Define the gateway subnet (in our case and click Create. Next, we'll create a virtual network gateway. In the search bar at the top of the page start typing gateway. Select Virtual network gateway. Create a new virtual network gateway. Give the gateway a name and define the VPN type. We'll select gateway type VPN and VPN type
5. Define the Azure VPN Gateway peering address and set the connection-type to respond. set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer authentication mode pre-shared-secret set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer authentication pre-shared-secret
Solved: Azure VPNs - The Meraki Community
Give the connection a name, choose “Site-to-Site VPN” as the Purpose, choose “IPSec VPN” as the VPN Type, choose to Enable this Site-to-Site VPN, add the Azure subnet under Remote Subnets, get the newly created Virtual Network Gateway IP address from Azure for the Peer IP, enter the on-premise external IP address for Local WAN IP, enter
List the private IP address of a virtual network gateway
Nov 13, 2015 Connecting your on-premises lab to Azure with Azure Site Sep 30, 2018 Create a S2S VPN connection using RRAS 2016 between Azure